Welcome To Steven Spielberg's Duel
Welcome to Chuck's Cafe Internet Site. We are the finest Cafeteria
in Arizona, heck we're the only one! Check out our excellent menu.
Plus, we now feature a conviently located bathroom!
It's just through the door, turn right, down the hall, make a left, second door.

This Month's Promotion:
Buy any dinner and get a small glass of water Absolutely FREE!
Dinner Menu
Todayz Special
An Unknown Animal That Was Attached to the Bumper of Chuck's Pickup
A Complete meal! With a side of beans, pickles & prunes.
Early Bird Special (4:00 PM to 4:05 PM): Only $8.95
Regular Dinner Price: $8.99
Lunch Specialz
Swiss Cheese On Rye (R-Y-E). Topped with ketchup and pickles.
We recommend our very special tranquilizers as a side dish.
Small Water (Free With Any Dinner)
Refills $.89
Beer (Chuck's Special Blend: 90% Water, 10% Actual Beer)
$2.00 A Mug
(It is perfect for one of our breakfast specials).
Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any food poisoning or ass kickings
by drunk truckers.